TSL Coverage
The TSL Casters

Nick "Tasteless" Plott is regarded as the top English professional StarCraft commentator. Tasteless began his career with WCG USA Finals in 2005, and casted several other live events throughout the United States. In 2008, he became the first English-only caster to move to Korea, covering all seasons of GomTV's TG-Intel Classic and the WCG Grand Finals from 2005 to this year. Tasteless also casted many events for Blizzard, including their World Wide Invitational (since 2006) and Blizzcon (since 2007). Tasteless's nickname is the "Storm Observer" for his energy, humor, and enthusiasm.
Dan "Artosis" Stemkoski was a top American Terran player before beginning his casting career by covering mainly non-Korean online tournaments like Ascension. After casting the Razer TSL in 2008, Artosis moved to Korea and now does interviews and coverage for IEG, the media giant that sponsors the eSTRO professional gaming team. Artosis joined Tasteless to cast Blizzcon 2008 and 2009, as well as the WCG Grand Final this year. Artosis is known as "The Wikipedia of StarCraft" for his comprehensive knowledge of the game.
Blake "Chill" Muzar started out by making several strategic commentaries before casting events for TeamLiquid.net, including several seasons of TL Attack! and Liquibition. Chill was Artosis' casting partner for the Razer TSL and also moderates TeamLiquid's Strategy Forum. Chill is known for his strategic knowledge, dry humor, and brutally honest comments.
Sean "Day[9]" Plott is Tasteless's younger brother and a top American Zerg player who was invited to represent the United States at the WCG Grand Final three times. Day[9] is known at teamliquid.net for Day[9] TV which analyzes recent professional Korean Starcraft matches. Day also casted for hundreds of TeamLiquiders at Blizzcon 2009, providing refreshing analysis and live commentary of the OSL Finals between Jaedong and YellOw[ArnC]. Day is known for his deep strategical analysis.